List of Concepts
- a state of constant awareness of the omnipresence of God
- a sudden intuitive grasp of reality
- absence
- absolute
- abstinence
- adoption of what is good and beneficial in legislation
- affirmation
- alliance
- amazement
- analogy
- angels
- animals
- annihilation in God
- art
- asceticism
- assimilation
- assistance
- attraction
- austerity
- awe
- awe of God
- backbiting
- bad assumption
- balance
- beatific vision of God in the Hereafter
- begging forgiveness
- being imbued with spiritual colors
- betrayal
- bigotry
- blessed courage
- blind imitation
- bliss
- carnal soul
- causality
- cause
- certainty
- certainty based on direct experience
- certainty based on knowledge
- certainty based on vision
- characteristics of the conversation of the Prophet
- chastity
- collective spiritual personality
- coloring
- commentary
- commitment
- communicating the Divine message
- communion
- company
- compliance with the rules
- comprehension
- comprehensiveness
- conception
- confidence
- connectedness based on emotions
- connectedness based on reasoning
- conscience
- consensus
- consistent integrity
- consultation
- contentment
- contingent
- contraction
- conversation
- correlation
- counseling
- cowardice
- creature
- creed
- cure-all
- curiosity
- darkness
- deduction
- deep devotion
- delusion of immortality
- dervish
- determined zeal
- determinism
- dew drop
- dignity
- direct witnessing of God
- disbelief
- discerning and observing with heart
- discernment
- disclosure
- disease
- disengagement
- dissension
- dissipation
- Distance between the Strings of Two Bows
- Divine Attributes
- Divine consent
- Divine Destiny
- Divine gifts
- Divine stratagem
- Divine Uniqueness
- Divine Unity
- Divinity
- doubled separation
- doubt
- dream
- drive
- drop
- ecstatic rapture engendered by a Sufi’s encounter with the Divine
- effective cause
- effulgence
- elevated realms
- elixir
- Emerald Hills of the Heart
- empty desire
- encompassing
- endeavor
- envy
- epiphany
- essence
- essence and reality of matter
- evidence
- evil
- evil suggestion
- exalting the Word of God
- existence
- existence in Divine Knowledge
- existent
- expansion
- extra-mental existence
- extraordinary events
- fabricated
- faculty of fervor
- faith based on imitation
- faith based on verification
- falsehood
- fear
- fear of God
- feelings
- fleeing
- flower
- folding of space
- force of anger
- force of desire
- force of intellect
- fraternity
- freedom
- frigidity
- frugality
- gift
- glorifications
- God
- God’s being pleased with someone
- God’s closeness
- God’s unchanging way and practice from the beginning of the universe
- good assumption
- good nature
- goodness
- greed
- guardian of love
- guidance
- guide
- habituation
- healing
- heart
- heavens
- Hell
- hesitation
- hidden treasures
- history
- Hizmet
- hope for God’s grace and mercy
- hopelessness and skepticism
- human
- human custom
- I
- I-ness
- idea
- identifications
- identity
- imagination
- immaterial existence
- immersion
- impossible
- incomplete existence
- inconceivable
- independent reasoning
- individuality
- ingratitude for bounties
- inimitability
- initiate
- inner beauty
- innovation in religion
- insight
- inspiration
- intelligence
- intention
- intoxication
- Islam
- Islamic Theology
- isolation
- jinn
- journeying
- journeying and initiation
- kindness
- knowledge of God
- language of spiritual realms
- lapse of counseling
- law
- Laws of Creation
- like a turtledove
- logic
- long-term worldly ambitions
- Lordship
- love of God
- manifest sign
- manifestation
- meaning
- meaningful and subtle concurrence
- mental existence
- metanoia
- metaphor
- migration
- mind
- miracle
- mischief
- misguidance
- modesty
- multiplicity
- mutual annihilation
- nature
- nearness
- necessary
- new person
- nominal existence
- nonexistence
- obligation
- old age
- oneness
- openness
- outer beauty
- Paradise
- particularity
- parting
- passion
- patience
- peacefulness
- People of the Book
- People of the House
- perfection
- perpetual remembrance
- perspicacity
- philosophy
- plants
- politics
- polytheism
- pondering deeply
- power of choice
- precaution
- preferring others to oneself
- preparedness
- presentiment
- privacy
- prodigality
- proof
- Prophethood
- Prophets
- public interest
- public symbols
- pupil
- pure light
- purity
- radiant existence
- rage
- reasonable
- reasoning
- reflection
- rejoicing
- religion
- religious scholars
- remoteness
- repentance
- representation
- resignation
- Resurrection
- retreat camp
- reunion
- revelation
- reverent awe
- revivalism
- reviver of faith
- richness
- righteous circle
- saint
- sainthood
- Satan
- science
- seclusion
- self-concealment
- self-disclosure
- self-possession
- self-supervision
- separation from homeland or the beloved
- serenity
- servanthood
- shrinking of distances in time
- shrinking of distances in space
- sign
- sincere friendship
- sincere penitence
- sobriety
- spirit
- spiritual anatomy
- spiritual discovery
- spiritual knowledge
- spiritual ones
- spiritual pleasure
- spiritual subtle sense
- state
- station
- striving
- stupidity
- stupor
- submission
- subsistence with God
- Sufi
- Sufi orders
- Sufism
- surrender
- suspicion
- tacit messages of events
- taking shelter
- talisman
- the “holy ones”
- the All-Beautiful Names of God
- the All-Holy
- the Ascension
- The Broken Jug
- The Broken Plectrum
- the chaste soul
- the conscious performance of good and avoidance of evil
- the consciousness of duty
- the Corporeal Realm
- the created beings
- the declaration of God’s Oneness and Unity
- the degrees of life
- the devout and godly
- the Divine Attribute of Speech
- the Divine commands of creation
- the Divine Essential Qualities
- the Divine love
- the Divine Modes
- the Divine Platform
- the Divine Throne
- the endeavor of renewal
- the evil-commanding soul
- the expansion of time
- the fanciful inclinations and lusts of the human carnal soul
- the Farewell Sermon
- the feeling of being attracted toward God
- The First
- the Flood of God’s Facial Light
- the friends of God
- the generation after the Successors
- the greatest rank of sainthood
- the Hereafter
- the Hidden
- the highest of the high
- the Honorable Sage Bediüzzaman
- the Illustrious Practices of Prophet Muhammad
- the Immutable Entities
- the inheritors of the Earth
- the inner aspect
- the inner dimensions
- the inspired soul
- the Intermediate Realm
- the Ka’ba
- The Last
- the Last Day
- the light of Muhammad
- the Lote-tree of the Utmost End
- the love of immortality
- the lowest of the low
- the Manifest Book
- the Manifest Guide
- the Manifest Realm
- the Most Hidden
- the Necessarily Existent One
- the New Generation
- the one who has attained
- the Oneness and Unity of God
- the original human disposition
- the outer dimensions
- the outward aspect
- the perfect soul
- the Pilgrimage
- the pleased soul
- the pleasing soul
- the Prescribed Alms
- the Prescribed Prayer
- the pure soul
- the Qur’an
- the Realm of Contingentness
- the Realm of Meaning
- the Realm of Representations
- the Realm of the Spirits
- the Realm of the Transcendental Manifestation of Divine Attributes and Names
- the Realm of the Transcendental Manifestation of Divine Mercy and Compassion
- the Realm of the Transcendental Manifestation of Divinity
- the Riders of Light
- the scholars of purity
- the secondary causes
- the Secret
- the seeker
- the self-accusing soul
- the sincerest, deepest form of friendship
- the soul at rest
- the special knowledge from God’s presence
- the spiritual and transcendental dimension of existence
- the spiritual faculty sensing God directly
- the state of being in the presence of God
- the state of detachment from God
- the Straight Path
- the Supreme Preserved Tablet
- the Tablet of Effacement and Confirmation
- the tongue of the heart
- The Treatise of Light
- the tree of creation
- The Truth
- the Unity of Existence
- the Unity of Witnessing
- the Universal Man
- the Unseen
- the vanguard cavalry
- the variety of God’s Names
- the Visible Realm
- the willed one
- the willing one
- time
- total reliance on God
- transformations of particles
- trial
- trust
- truth
- turning to God
- unanimity
- unity
- universal human values
- universal principle
- universality
- universe
- utmost astonishment
- verification
- vicegerency
- vigilance
- virtue
- wakefulness
- walking to the horizon of one’s spirit
- will
- woman
- wonder
- wonderful happenings
- world
- worship
- wrongdoing
- yearning
- yearning for the reunion with God
- youth
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list_of_concepts.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/19 07:55 by Editor