Table of Contents
A Reality without a Name
- Something that has no name but has an essence or corporeal reality. Something that exists outside the mind without a name. (For instance: an unexplored creature).1)
- “At the early period, such essentials established by the Messenger of God himself did exist as an unnamed reality, but they were not specified within the frame of a discipline. Scholars who lived in later periods such as Imam Maturidi and Abu’l-Hasan al-Ash’ari put these truths that reached them into a systematic structure, by following a progression from the most important issues to less important ones. They also made elaborate explanations in terms of preventing misunderstandings and deviations.
- Matters of Islamic jurisprudence such as how to let Islam truly permeate through real life within the frame of Qur’an and Sunnah, which methods will be followed while deriving judgments from these two sources, and how will the problems encountered will be solved were also known for a certain period as existing but unnamed reality. In later times, these matters were made into a discipline by outstanding scholars of Islamic jurisprudence and their frame were determined one by one.”2)
- “… as of that period (the Age of Happiness), the scholars were each a qualified person without a title. For this reason, none of them claimed to be scholars, and others did not use exaggerated qualifications such as “prominent scholar” for them. Likewise, there were no private institutions such as the House of Sciences, which were established to train scholars at that time. As it was in the period of the Companions, there were many such scholars in the period of the Successors. Both the predecessors, who continued their existence as unnamed realities in the first period, and the people known as scholars in the society in the later periods, have a great place in the Islamic world. Especially until the fifth century, scholars have performed very important services both in the explanation of the legislative commands and in the discovery of the creative commands.”3)
- “… considering the honorable Ali ibn Abi Talib’s qualities as being open to spirituality, having dynamic inspirations, and his position as the father of the chain of saintly ones, then it is highly possible for him to have said these words as a result of inspiration. In the period when the reality without a name became a reality with a name, and the terminology was established, some people may have attributed the good words they said to him, or it is possible that they expressed some of the words that were narrated from him by enriching them with the proposition and notions of their own time.”4)
- “O my Lord! Make us together with these nameless ones! I have not clouded this with names, for Your consent is in anonymity. Familiarize us with the principles of Your path with them! Grant us an ampleness to our horizon of wisdom, not in terms of our distance from You, but in proportion to the closeness of Your mercy.”5)
See Also
External Links
- The Timeless Way of Building, Wikipedia
- Piers Cawley, “The Quality Without a Name”
Other Languages
M. Fethullah Gülen, Dert Musikisi (Kırık Testi-16), New Jersey: Süreyya Yayınları, 2019, pp. 51–52.
Ibid., pp. 86–87.
M. Fethullah Gülen, İstikamet Çizgisi (Kırık Testi-17), New Jersey: Süreyya Yayınları, 2020, p. 202.
M. Fethullah Gülen, Hitap Çiçekleri, İstanbul: Nesil Yayınları, 2000, p. 110.
a_reality_without_a_name.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/15 14:08 by Editor