====== Concept ====== * Notion. A mental truth which corresponds to an extra-mental truth. If the meaning (what is described) and the concept (what is understood) are compatible, communication is effective. * **Concepts** in the mind refer to facts outside the mind.(([[https://philpapers.org/browse/Concepts|Concepts, PhilPapers]])) * “**Concepts** are the building blocks of thoughts. Consequently, they are crucial to such psychological processes as categorization, inference, memory, learning, and decision-making.”(([[https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/concepts/|Concepts, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy]])) * Meanings: The mental representations corresponding to words. The image, which is originated in the mind, is called “meaning” in terms of being intended with words, and “**concept**” in terms of being originated in the mind through words.((Ali ibn Muhammed es-Seyyid eş-Şerif Cürcani, //Tarifat: Arapça-Türkçe Terimler Sözlüğü//, tr. Arif Erkan, İstanbul: Bahar Yayınları, 1997, p. 215.)) * “Since this station is the station where the One of Absolute Grace and Perfection manifests His Existence with His Dignity and Grandeur, one of these two things happens: either all tongues cannot help but remain silent or **concepts** and words change into symbols, signs, and allusions under the influence of the Divine Grandeur and Majesty.”((M. Fethullah Gülen, [[http://fgulen.com/en/fethullah-gulens-works/key-concepts-in-the-practice-of-sufism-3/the-flood-of-gods-facial-light|Subuhat Wajh (The Flood of God's Facial Light]]) )) * “Whereas the word //ijaz// means conveying the meaning and **concept** of something in a brief, concise manner; in other words, this means denoting many things in a brief expression and conveying the objective of a statement clearly and concisely in just a few words.”((M. Fethullah Gülen, //Bir İ’câz Hecelemesi//, İstanbul: Nil Yayınları, 2014, p. 25.)) * **Explicit meaning**: The direct meaning of the speech or text. * **Reverse meaning**: The indicated opposite meaning. Indirect meaning. * “And neither the heaven nor the earth shed tears over them, nor were they given a respite (when the punishment became due on them).” (Duhan, 44:29). “This Qur’anic verse explicitly states that the heavens and Earth do not weep when unbelievers die, and the **reverse meaning** implies that the heavens and Earth weep when believers die.”((Bediüzzaman Said Nursî, //Sözler//, İstanbul: Şahdamar Yayınları, 2010, p. 695.)) * “Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, is the seal of the Prophets. The **reverse meaning** implies that no Prophet will come after him; it seals and signs his being the last Prophet.”((Bediüzzaman Said Nursî, //İşârâtü’l-İ’câz//, İstanbul: Şahdamar Yayınları, 2007, p. 50.)) ===== See also ===== * [[attention|Attention]] * [[comprehension|Comprehension]] ===== Further Reading ===== * [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Higher-order_thinking|Higher-order thinking]] * [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metacognition|Metacognition]] ===== Other Languages ===== * [[https://fr.hizmetpedia.org/doku.php?id=concept|Français]] * [[https://nl.hizmetpedia.org/doku.php?id=concept|Nederlands]] * [[https://tr.hizmetpedia.org/doku.php?id=mefhum|Türkçe]] ===== Footnotes =====